Empirical analysis of financing capital structure of china ' s listed companies 我国上市公司融资资本结构实证分析
Study on distribution of human capital and finance capital based on arrangement of rights 产权安排对人力资本与财务资本配置影响研究
During this process of its development , finance capital support plays important role 因此,在其发展过程中财政资金支持扮演了重要角色。
A study on the market conductibility of the alteration of financing capital ' s use by china ' s listed companies 我国上市公司募集资金变更投向的市场反应研究
Ir dr hon raymond ho chung - tai raised a question on issuance of government bonds to finance capital works projects 何锺泰议员就发行政府债券为工务计划提供资金的事宜提出质询。
In the longer term , the government needs to achieve an operating surplus to partially finance capital expenditure 在较长远而言,政府需要取得经营盈馀,以支付部分的非经常开支。
In the past , banks used to concentrate on financing capital investment . credit risks were not diversified 以往,银行贷款只局限在对生产领域的放贷,使得银行的信贷风险过于集中。
Fund resources of international credit : traditional fund resources , national finance capital , eurocurrency , petrodollar 国际信贷的资金来源:传统资金来源,国家财政资金,欧洲货币,石油美元。
Then , based on lemons model , the paper analyses the market conductibility of the alteration of financing capital ' s use 然后,在阿克劳夫模型的基础上,对上市公司变更募集资金投向的市场传导效应进行了理论分析。
Investment is the action and process that investor put capital in certain areas and receive entity capital or finance capital income for making profits 投资是投资主体为了获取效益而投入资金用以转化为实物资产或金融资产的行为和过程。